Friday, February 22, 2008

Education Plans

I am going to attend East Central University. I plan on it taking 4 years to get my major in elementary education. I plan on it costing approximatly $15,000. Then I plan on attending OCCC of OU to get my masters in Speech-language pathology. I plan on it taking 2 years to finish but it may take 3. I do not know how much it will cost for this masters program.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jobs in Garvin County

I know that there are at least two places in Maysville i could shadow. There is mrs. Parr the speech pathologist at elementary school and mrs. Higginbottom also at the elementary school. I don't know for a fact but they probably have a speech pathologist at the Pauls Valley Hospital. I would really like to be able to shadow Mrs. Parr though.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Where I want to spend half a day!

I have been going down to elementary every Tuesday and Thursday all of this year. But i happen to go down there when the speech pathologist doesn't have anyone. I would really like to be able to spend some time with her and ask her a lot of questions i have. hopefully that would help me make up my mind. I would also like maybe going to a hospital or clinic to spend time with a speech pathologist there.

career answers

I plan on attending East Central University in the fall and getting my major in elementary education. Here lately I have been considering the field of special education. Then I have been planning on getting my masters in speech-pathology. If I major in special education then I do not plan on getting my masters. I think that I would really enjoy speech-pathology. But right now there is such a demand for special education majors that from the time you declare a special education major you will be reembursed for all of your college tuition. That sound real good and it should only take 5 years instead of 7 if I do elementary education and masters in speech pathology. I am very undecided as of right now!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

2nd question

Which ESTJ did you score the highest?Of the careers listed for you, which one are you planning to research?

Sensing was my highest percentage. It was a 50 %. I plan on researching the career of teaching and speech-pathology. I have also been thinking about the career of special education.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

10 things about my career

List a minimum of 10 things that interest you about the career you are researching.

1.) working with kids
2.) working with adults
3.) being able to work in different places
4.) good feelings of helping peole
5.) hands on activities
6.) wonderful kids
7.) it would never be boring
8.) i would get to know a lot of great people
9.) summers out if i work for a school system
10.) good money with a masters degree

career results

Your Type is ESFJ
Strength of the preferences %