Tuesday, February 19, 2008

career answers

I plan on attending East Central University in the fall and getting my major in elementary education. Here lately I have been considering the field of special education. Then I have been planning on getting my masters in speech-pathology. If I major in special education then I do not plan on getting my masters. I think that I would really enjoy speech-pathology. But right now there is such a demand for special education majors that from the time you declare a special education major you will be reembursed for all of your college tuition. That sound real good and it should only take 5 years instead of 7 if I do elementary education and masters in speech pathology. I am very undecided as of right now!!!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

FYI, because of the federal "No Child Left Behind" Act, special education certification also requires individuals to be certified in the particular content they are teaching. For example, Mrs. Kirk has spec. ed. certification but she is also working on her certification in English and Intermediate Mathematics. Spec. Ed. at the elementary must also have elem. ed. certificates. Future teachers are turning away from Spec. ed. because of all the cert. So the demand of spec. ed. teachers will be even larger once you are out of college. Not only can you get your tuition paid, but you are paid a % above regular paid teachers and most times there is a sign on bonus.
Food for thought.
Ms. H